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Saturday, June 15, 2019

How I went from teacher to 7-8 figure business owner by 30


Now I know what you're probably thinking: (drum roll)
Oh wow, this trust fund baby is about to tell me how to get rich. GR8! Greaaaaaat. *rolls eyes*
Don't worry, that's not the point of this email.
And... I'm most definitely *not* a trust fund baby. I was a mid to high school band director long before I was running M$$M for a living. (Doubled as the art teacher, sometimes)
I remember having a conversation with my parents before I went to college about why I was choosing to be a band director (and doing art on the side).
To be honest... I think they were a little concerned because teachers notoriously don't make tons of money (although it is a "god" job, and they do change a lot of lives or have influence over highly suggestible and impressionable lives ... but that's for a different email).
But back then, it didn't really matter to me how much money I made. Teaching was what I wanted to do.
And being an artiste was GR8! It's what I loved.
I specifically told them that: "I do not care about money at all."
Now fast forward a decade, and I literally talk about money for a living. Talk about irony haha. He,he, he!
Anyway back to the point:
I was able to grow a 7-8 figure business by 30 through... a blog on blogging. The most obscure business model possible, right? I have a tough time explaining to people what I do.
But truth be told, I'm huge fan of blogging as a business or blog on blogging + biz.
It's fun, I create my own hours, I have a cool virtual team at M$$M and Laptop Empires (my other MOBE  my online business empire, you know "Learn While You Learn And Build Empires Online...), and on and on.
Here's the deal though - it is NOT a quick way to make money by any stretch of the imagination, or get rich quick scheme as it were...
And it's most certainly not a guarantee that you'll be successful if you start a blog on bloggin'.
The fact that I was able to quit my teaching job and make all of this work is a little crazy.
I now also do art work online at $1,600 a pop.
Even with all of that said and done, though... I still believe in a blog for blogging + biz ...as a way to make money if you're willing to be patient and play the long game.
So now that I've got all of the disclaimer stuff out of the way, let's talk about how it actually works, because I get reader emails all the time from people asking if they should start a blog or not.
"To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer. The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of" ...
The answer is a resounding... maybe. Just kinda depends.
I think before anyone starts a blog (or any business for that matter)...
... it's important to understand how the business actually works, you know?
Like how do you *actually* make money?
Is it all just ads and stuff, or is there more to it?
Well luckily for you, my eMail friend that I consider to be a real-life best friend...
... I have answers.
So if you've ever considered starting a blog (or even just wondered how I make money for a living)...
Hold on to your butts and go here. (see it inline below, as it comes to you...)
- Johnny
P.S. - The 'butt' thing was a Jurassic Park reference. Samuel L. Jackson before he flipped the main power switch back on? Remember that? It wasn't just me being weird. That was a real line from the movie. Don't you judge me.
P.P.S. - If you already know that you want to start a blog and want to have my team set it up correctly for you fo' free (I'll also send you a bunch of training materials and guides too)... go check out my Launch That Blog service. We do all the install stuff for you and make starting a blog super super easy.

Want to join over 1,000 M$M readers and make an extra $1,000 - $2,000/month on the side from home? Learn more about the FB Side Hustle Course here.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Millennial Money Man <bobby@millennialmoneyman.com>
Date: Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 3:01 PM
Subject: How I went from teacher to 7-figure business owner by 30
To: <joaoa.dsilva2019@gmail.com>    


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