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Home Business Bootcamp and Affiliate Marketing Training with George Kosch for 13 March 2020.   additional information available  ...

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Any One Can Coach!

In a Wormhole the Size of a Rabbit Hole. Working. Or maybe ordering wine off the internet. Am Not Sure!

"The purpose of life is a life of purpose!" - Robert Byrne

Eleven(11) Count 'em Things I Wish I Knew When I Started My Startup Business

Glitter was literally shooting out of my eye sockets as I quit my  job to “be my own boss.” Then reality struck. (Actually survived a minor stroke just prior to.)

“A lot of people like to fool you and say that you’re not smart if you never went to college, but common sense rules over everything. That’s what I learned from selling crack.” — -----Snoop Doggy Dogg

Somehow, through that process of acceptance, while you’re busy putting yourself and ego out there in spite of your flaws, your weaknesses will transform into assets.

1. Running the business is your first priority.

2. Ready to meet your soulmate? It’s you.

3. Your trajectory for success will take as long as everyone else’s, and then some even though you are special and brilliant.

4. Running out of money is a common part of the journey.

Savings accounts at brick and mortar banks are known for having really low interest rates. For example, here are some of the lowest savings rates I’ve seen:
  • Bank of America’s standard savings rate is 0.03%
  • Wells Fargo Platinum Savings has an APY of 0.05%
  • U.S. Bank has a standard savings rate of 0.01%
Those rates are crazy low, which means your money just isn’t growing as quickly as it could.
This is why I was so excited to meet the people at VARO Money in person. VARO is a mobile banking app that offers free checking and high yield savings accounts.
Those banks I listed above often do have accounts with higher APYs, but that’s once you have a high balance, like $25,000+.
Varo offers a higher than average APY to all of their customers, even if you are starting with just a penny. That means the average person can start growing their savings at a higher rate, which helps you save even more money.
If you're looking for a free checking account, as well as a higher than average interest rate on your savings account, look no further!
With VARO, you can start earning 2.12% with a balance as low as $0.01. Once you have grown your savings, you can earn up to 2.80%.

5. Build a hybrid stream of income.

6. Read Steven Pressfield’s Do the Work!

7. Spend less time researching, more time doing.

Set a timer for 25 minutes and go to town on a task. Do not look up. Do not go to the bathroom. Do not cruise the fridge for cheese sticks.

8. Only say yes to collaborative projects that are hell yeses.

9. You must devote time to becoming a brilliant marketer.

10. Email will be your new best frenemy.

If you don’t spend time marketing you will not make money.

11. This last tip is a hodgepodge.

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