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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Re: How to make MORE impact... in less time

Creativity LOVES constraints. Which leads us to all sorts of counter-intuitive conclusions…


Most people think that if they "only had more time," they would be able to accomplish much more. But in reality the opposite is usually true.

And so?

You should give yourself less time to solve a problem. Rather than more time.

And the end result will come out roughly the same as it would have been, had you given yourself twice as much time. And sometimes even better than it would have been.

For example, if you want to film a year's worth of videos, for your marketing content…

And if you give yourself "as much time as you need" to do this, you will probably take a lot of time. Maybe several weeks. Maybe several months.

But if you give yourself a single WEEK to complete it all...

Suddenly it becomes a challenge.

A puzzle, in an enigma wrapped in a connundrum.

Which you need to solve, forthwith.

And suddenly, the most creative parts of your brain will come roaring alive, in order to aid you on your quest to solve this puzzle. And once you committ the Universe will compire to make it happen for you.


"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it; Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it." These two lines are often attributed to the great German playwright and thinker Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.  

And by the end of that 1 week?

You will probably find yourself with a batch of videos that are as good as (if not better than) what you would have created, had you given yourself 3 months to create them. And, even if you could have made the videos a little better with 3 months time, you certainly could not have made them 12X better (even though you spent 12X more time).

And this is a principle I have learned and come back to, over and over again in my business:

Creativity LOVES constraints. The mother of invention they'll teel you!

Which again, leads us to all sorts of counter-intuitive conclusions…

Like, more time does NOT always correspond with more quality, or more results.

Some of my most lucrative ideas, emails, and webinars etc… were created in a flash of inspirational, insight and then 30-40 minute of frantic scribbling. Once wake from that dream. Yet they were responsible for $10,000s in new revenue... or much more.

And here's the other side of the the coin:

When you give ourselves infinite time ("as much time as I need")… infinite money… infinite _____ in order to solve XYZ problem…

Now I heard you were good at math and in that light, Can you replace my X w/o asking Y? Ans: Zzzzi!  Just joshing....

GR8*! We agree!

… you often draaaaaaaaaaag on with the process of solving that problem - AND the results are often not even that great, very simple.

One more example:

A number of my students have recently found a lot of success with a new program we created last year - the 10k / 20k LAUNCH program. Where they have about 30 days to prepare for a major product launch... and then 30 days to execute it. Pretty tight constraints. And yet?

The students who submit themselves to this tight timeline... and deadline the tight constraints of the whole program... have blown me, my coaches, and themselves away with their results.

People who have never sold a dollar worth of product in their lives... have walked away at the end of their launches having sold $10,000+ of their coaching and courses. Yes including the guy that sold you you're 1st 'pet rock' and a manual for it's care 'n feedin'...

And I believe?

The tight constraints of this program - i.e. the timeline which students have to work within. The expectations they create within their audience (to do webinars, trainings, strategy sessions, etc.) which they then have to fulfill on. The outline of the content they need to create - all of these constraints lead to MORE creativity and MORE results... rather than less.

... even though lots of people think that less constraints + more time = better results.

So now you tell me:

How can you apply this principle that —

Creativity loves constraints

— in your life?

What sort of "constraints" can you place on yourself, or your next big project, starting today... which will force your creativity to come roaring to life?


Every accomplishment is based on action, not on thought... yet the thought is always father to the deed. Achievement starts with an idea, a perspective, a point of view, and an attitude: the attitude that no matter what, you will do what it takes to reach your goals — and live the life you want to live.

To do that, here's one affirmation you should repeat at the start of every day. It's referred to as "The Man in the Arena" and is an excerpt from this 1910 Teddy Roosevelt speech.


Try it. But don't just read it to yourself — read it out loud. Stand tall. Stand proudly. Don't just say the words — feel the words: The best way to be different is to do the things other people refuse to do.

The best way to life the life you want to live is to stop worrying about what other people think.

The best way to succeed is to outthink, out hustle, and outwork everyone else.

You may not be as experienced, as well funded, as well connected, or as talented... but you can always do more than other people are willing to do. Even when everything else seems stacked against you, effort and persistence can still be your competitive advantages — and they may be the only advantages you truly need.

Dare greatly. Know victory. Know defeat.

And every day, commit to living the life you want to live. 

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.The best way to be different is to do the things other people refuse to do.

The best way to life the life you want to live is to stop worrying about what other people think.

The best way to succeed is to outthink, out hustle, and outwork everyone else.

You may not be as experienced, as well funded, as well connected, or as talented... but you can always do more than other people are willing to do. Even when everything else seems stacked against you, effort and persistence can still be your competitive advantages — and they may be the only advantages you truly need.

Dare greatly. Know victory. Know defeat.

And every day, commit to living the life you want to live. 


Answer - then execute. 

To Live Remarkably, Repeat This One Affirmation Every Single Day for the Rest of Your LifeTo Live Remarkably, Repeat This One Affirmation Every Single Day for the Rest of Your Life

Because the thought is always parent to the deed. Ask Teddy Roosevelt.Because the thought is always parent to the deed. Ask Teddy Roosevelt.

To Live Remarkably, Repeat This One Affirmation Every Single Day for the Rest of Your LifeTo Live Remarkably, Repeat This One Affirmation Every Single Day for the Rest of Your Life

Because the thought is always parent to the deed. Ask Teddy Roosevelt.

Because the thought is always parent to the deed. Ask Teddy Roosevelt.

Enthusiastically, Passionately Yours!
Coach João (John)

To Live Remarkably, Repeat This One Affirmation Every Single Day for the Rest of Your Life

Because the thought is always parent to the deed. Ask Teddy Roosevelt.

P.S. Whenever you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help you start / scale your business or ministry...

1. Grab a free copy of my book, ON PURPOSE

It's the roadmap to increasing your impact, influence, and income — Click Here

2. Join the Kingdom Builders Academy Facebook Group

This free group is a one-of-a-kind community of kingdom entrepreneurs. Connect with Christian leaders from around the world, ask questions, get feedback, and be inspired by this amazing community of believers who are pursuing their God-given purpose — Click Here

3. Work with me and my team privately

If you'd like to work directly with me and my team, to create or replace a 6-figure income over the next 12-months, as a public speaker, coach, author or online entrepreneur, then I want to invite you to book a free "Path to Purpose Session" with a Kingdom Builders Coach — Click Here

Coach Tam 

On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 12:09 PM Tamara Lowe <support@kingdombuilders.academy> wrote: 


Kingdom Builders Academy 335 E Linton Ste. 2059 Delray Beach, Florida 33483 United States

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