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Thursday, January 23, 2020

How to quickly go from 0–10K + Followers on IG/fb — FAST! ASAP!!

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How to go from 0–10K + Followers on I/fb — FAST! ASAP!! 

Here’s how she grew her Instagram profile (www.instagram.com/katfairbanks) as an example,  from 0–10K+ followers in less than six months! ( On fb 10K fans,  friends & followers was done in a matter of weeks. ) 

Step 1: Find your Niche

We can drive traffic to your profile all day (and we’ll talk about how in later steps!) but in order to get more followers, fans & friends we need to give people a reason to stay. This “reason” is called a niche. What is it about your profile that gets people interested in your content enough to want more? In my case they weré leaving as fast as they was coming,  so that had to change.

This is why a lot of regular profiles don’t have a lot of followers,  like mine was they're too general. Unless you’re a celebrity, it’s hard to get people to care about photos of your dog, AND a bathroom selfie, AND a photo of what you ate for lunch or your life in a RV,  SUV,  4X4, Sailboat .or. Privare Plane etc. By concentrating on just one kind of content — something you’re passionate about and can consistently create content around — you’ll be much better off.
Think about your favorite Instagram accounts. What makes them so enticing? Find that “hook” that will reel people in and get them wanting more from you. Maybe it’s the delicious food photos you post, your travel to exótic countries in 5 star luxury free or your beautiful photography. Or maybe your niche isn’t life is a travel movie,  fitness or fashion, but a message. Maybe you’re opening a small coffee shop and want to document what it takes to run a small business, another cup of coffee or you foster ferrile dogs and cats want to inspire others to do the same.

Step 2: Optimize Your Profile

A business profile gives you valuable insights and statistics so that you can track whether or not your growth strategies and táctics are working, and help you figure out what to do to improve your page,  blog + biz.

For your profile photo, choose a clear headshot or your company logo on a plain background. Avoid clutter,  complicated images or lots of tiny text.

For your biography, I recommend three bullet points — who you are, what you do, and where you’re from. .Or.  here I am this is where I wanna be,  and how am I going to get there,  from here... Then, list a clear CTA (Call To Action) above your hyperlink — NO HYPE just help! maybe,  just maybe you want people to visit your website,  blog or 'Like' your page on IG/ fb,  Pinterest,  tumbler,  twitter, listen to you poacasta and updates,  .or.  subscribe to your YouTube channel etc.

Step 3: Use Other Socials

Growing your community on more than one platform has multiple benefits. Firstly, any traffic you bring to your Facebook group, Tik Tok,  Tumblr profile, YouTube channel or Pinterest page means more eyeballs on your IG/ fb profile. Secondly, it’s a great way to keep yourself diversified. What if Instagram shuts down one day, or your profile gets hacked? Its aways a good idea to have a secind account.  Link 'em all together.  Instead of potentially losing your entire audience, you still have ways to keep in touch with your virtual community and there will be some core group overlap.

Step 4 — Spend $1.80 a Day

What is the Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee on fb/ Instagram) $1.00 - $1.80 .or.  YouTube $0.02 strategy, why am I so obsessed with it, and how can you use it to grow your following?

Loved VIP Q & A @Phx Az 11/2018 Trip

This strategy is super effective in attracting highly engaged followers, fans & friends especially if you are just starting out and have less than 1,000 followers. I have a few modifications on this strategy that you can use to get the most out of this method.

The first thing you need to do is look at your content and write down at least 10 hashtags that most relate to your content — the bigger the hashtag, the better. For example, if you’re a fitness page, you might use #fitness#gymlife#workout, and on and on and rotate them if you have more the more the merrier ( that's how followers,  fans & friends find you ) . Then you will go to each hashtag’s “Top” section and leave your two cents on posts in that tab. And its a penny for your thoughts,  someone is making money!?

You’ll do this for anywhere from 5 to 9 - 10 photos_ consistently. I do this everyday on two accounts,  just choose a theme ( I use Mike Dooley Quotes a relevant image and a link to promote,  post to IG/ fb news feed & stories and since other social media accounts are linked ad appears in  LinkedIn, Twitter, & Tumblr etc. )  and go for it.  Just do it!

2 cents x 9 photos x 10 posts = $1.80. Got it!  GR8!

The “secret sauce” to this method is that you need to leave long, meaningful comments or captions on these posts — maybe it’s a compliment, a piece of advice — a quote,  something that adds value to the content you’re commenting on. For example, if you’re commenting on makeup tutorial videos, you can write about a product you love that the person used, or about an alternative lip color you think would complement the look. Leave engaging comments that will entice people to click on your username and check out your page and research.

Now, a few tricks I use to get the most out of this strategy…
First, How to find the best Hashtags... 

Commenting under photos under the “Recent” tab really helps you get noticed. In those huge hashtags, there are a lot of users with very small pages that aren’t used to getting comments, so I find that a large number of these small accounts will check out your page if you leave a meaningful comment on their photos. You can also ask these small pages to DM you. This is how I got my first 1,000 followers. I post 3x a day.  Try to post at least once a day. Every day after work, I would spend hours leaving long comments, and at the end of each comment, I would say “DM me — let’s connect.”

Be prepared to get a LOT of DMs if you do this, and be prepared to respond and form real connections! It also works if you do that on stories most people view those and will answer questions,  polls or ask a question or ask to voice a concern CTA,  to DM you. Getting users off the comment section and into the DM’s is a great way to create friendships on Instagram. One can even set up an AI - chatbot to get the pump primed for you with a quick response,  if your busy. 

Step 5 — Stair Step Your Hashtags

DON’T use only very large hashtags when you’re a small account. People post to hashtags like #beauty every two seconds, and so your post will very quickly get buried under hundreds of others and it’s very unlikely that anyone will find you from these hashtags.

Instead, I recommend “stair stepping” your hashtags. Use five that are very large, five medium,  five small,  some that are that very small, and then for about 15 other hashtags, you want to be somewhere in the middle of in between,  you get what I mean. Your goal & objective for these hashtags is to land in the “Top” category for these hashtags so that it will be seen by more people, so experiment and figure out which hashtags in your niche that you can dominate! Do it everyday consistently.

I have found 20–25 hashtags per post has consistently gotten me the best results, and if you have more rotate them, but definitely always check your insights and experiment to see how much traffic you get with different hashtag strategies.

Have you tried to grow your fb/ Instagram? What works and what doesn’t? Let us know in the comments below.

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