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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Learn To Deal Efficiently & Effectively With Stress Relief

Learn To Deal Efficiently & Effectively With Stress Relief

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Stress is not a very pleasant experience but unfortunately life throws situations full of dissonance and incongruence at us that challenge our ability to remain reserved, cool, calm and collected. The reasons are endless from the noisy neighbor to the pizza boy whom keeps delivering a pepperoni pizza and wings when I asked for a Hawaiian pizza with extra cheese and drumsticks or the travel agent on the phone whom I ask for destination, Tuscon AZ and comes back with Tulsa OK and!? ...well, you get my drift.

From minor challenges to major crises, stress is part of life. And while you can't always control your circumstances, you can control how you respond to them.
When stress becomes overwhelming, or it's chronic, it can take a toll on your well-being. That's why it's important to have effective stress relieversthat can calm your mind and your body.

The solution centers on focus and relaxation. These 10 ways to relieve stress will help you maintain a balance between keeping your blood pressure down and blowing a gasket at work, at home or during other social times.

  • 1.Don't focus on the problem, focus on the solution. Also stress is neither positive nor negative, its how you perceive it. Don't give it the power to harm you and it will not. Regarding an issue, the weak seek revenge, the ignorant forgive & forget 'bout it, and the intelligent ignore it. Re-frame it, Rephrase or Replace a negative thought, for example with something positive like a funny moment recently or something personally enlightening e.g. birth of a baby. What is this trying to teach me? What can I gain or glean from it that is positive a lesson perhaps...
  • 2.If at work, change your seating position or go for a stroll around the office or building, if stress is hitting you. If it's a toxic environment make plans to leave it behind you, before it's a stroke or heart attack.
  • Taijiquan Symbol.png
  • 3.Try some yoga or tai chi as this teaches you through exercise to focus on being reserved, cool, calm and collected. For example, Tai chi, short for T'ai chi ch'üan or Tàijí ("supreme ultimate") quán, is an internal Chinese martial art practiced for both its defense training, its health benefits and meditation. The term taiji is a Chinese cosmological concept that refers to the flux of yin and yang, and 'quan' means fist. In the early 20th century, it has developed a worldwide following of people, often with little or no interest in martial training, but for its benefit to personal health and well being. Medical studies of t‘ai-chi support its effectiveness as an alternative exercise and a form of martial arts therapy.

  • Yang-single (restoration).jpg 
    Yang Chengfu (c. 1931) in Single Whip posture of Yang-style t'ai chi ch'uan solo form 
  • Yang Chengfu utilizing the Single Whip technique.
  • It is purported that focusing the mind solely on the movements of the form helps to bring about a state equanimity and tranquility resulting in being mentally calm and having mental clarity. Besides general health benefits and stress management attributed to tai chi training, aspects of traditional Chinese medicine are taught to advanced students in some traditional schools.
  • 4. Walk the dog. Go for a jog or walk in the park or go for a swim, activities like these help to relieve stress. Also bathe in nature, being with nature helps to destress.
  • 5.Get a head massage or do it yourself. Gentle rubbing of the scalp is a very effective way to put you at ease. Meditation and also massage techniques offer great therapy. A great way to meditate either actively or non-active, is to close your eyes and focus on one thing such as your controlled breathing and emptying your mind of all thoughts. 
  • 6.Play a game (if allowed while at work) or do a crossword puzzle or sudoku. Activities like these allow you to easily find at least 10 ways to relieve stress to shift your focus away from whatever is stressing you. It's a known fact that computer game lovers enjoy obliterating aliens or whatever as a means to alleviate stress or destress.
  • 7.This maybe an issue at work ,though but if you can, play some music (use ear buds if you must). Perhaps your employer will allow a head set, headphones or earphones. White noise or sound that invokes feelings of serenity such as sea waves, waterfalls, symphonies or forests can act as an excellent reliever.
  • 8. Perhaps, you have heard the song "the drugs don't work" from The Verve and it's all true. Being lethargic or stressed should not mean reaching for the pharmaceutical cupboard or any form of home pharmacology. Stimulants such as caffeine or nicotine cannot remove the problem or help, to forget it. Grab a huge drink of water or a lemonade, instead and enjoy the feeling of refreshment. Pet your cat or dog this is known to lower blood pressure.
  • 9.Try Humor! As part of this list explaining 10 ways to relieve stress, this is probably the most effective method. Laughing brings you into the brighter side of your daily life. Read some jokes, have someone tell you jokes or tell them to colleagues.
  • 10. get a good nights rest. Try to sleep for at least 6 or 8 hours, every night. More early nights and a proper sleep pattern will allow you to feel more relaxed each day and less prone to procrastination and lethargic behavior.

Follow these 10 ways to relieve stress to start leading a healthy life, prioritize you tasks do the 1st five(5), forget the rest and improve your ways of tackling daily stress to feel better each day. Need more help?

  1. Exercise. Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to combat stress. ...
  2. Consider Supplements. ...
  3. Light a Candle. ...
  4. Reduce Your Caffeine Intake. ...
  5. Write It Down. ...
  6. Chew Gum. ...
  7. Spend Time With Friends and Family. ...
  8. Laugh.
Aug 28, 2018


John Silva

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