
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Give Away Free Products That Get Traffic-Generating Product Reviews

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Let's Make You A Successful Internet Marketing Maven:

Give Away Free Products That Get Traffic-Generating Product Reviews

#internetmarketing #affiliatemarketing #sales #salespromotions #seo #blogging #business
#onlinebusiness #advertise #advertiseonline #makemoneyonline #workfromhome

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Product reviews, especially when they're positive, can definitely generate traffic for your website. But people will rarely review a product for free. If you don't have to pay them, you'll have to give the product to them for free. And unless you're selling digital infoproducts or any other type of product which doesn't cost you too much money to produce, you'll have to be pretty careful choosing which reviewers to approach and how to word your proposal.

Step 1 Determine how many products you can afford to give away for free. Now, even if you can afford to give as many as you want, it's still better to limit your giveaways to a few every month. Flooding the Internet with raving reviews of your products might give off a fishy smell to your readers and you certainly don't want to have that happen.

Step 2 Be careful when choosing the people you'll give your products for free and in exchange for reviews. Here are several factors to consider when making this all-important decision.

Expertise - Professional product reviewers are your primary target when giving away your products for free. But they can't just be any product reviewer. The best type of reviewer is the one with substantial knowledge, familiarity, and expertise with the product you're marketing. You cannot expect a food critic to create a valid review on the latest Microsoft OS, can you?

Need - The second type of reviewer you'd want to target are those who you believe will benefit from the use of your products and services. If you've designed a new online tool for bookkeeping, you should target small business owners, home-based professionals, and others with basic bookkeeping needs. These people are in the position to better appreciate what your product or service has to offer.

Writing Skills - With professional product reviewers, there's no need to worry about their writing skills. But with the second type of reviewer, not all of them would have flair for writing. Give your products to those who do have them or otherwise, they'll just be put to waste since their reviews won't be as clear or detailed as you need them to be.

Website - Another important factor to consider is the popularity of their website. Most product reviewers have their own websites and if not that then their own blogs then. Research and see which websites have the highest rankings. It would be better to get as much exposure for each product you give away for free, don't you think?

Step 3 Now that you know which individuals to approach with your offer, it's time to create an email regarding your proposal. Your letter must explain your product offer in exchange for a review. Be very clear that the offer does not require them to sing praises of your product. All they have to do is be honest.

Step 4 Explain your requirements. You might have a certain format or word count in mind for product reviews. Inform them of this if so. You might also want to suggest that they focus on discussing the features and benefits of your product or maybe add an anecdote to the review.

Step 5 Lastly, require them to post a short description about you or your business and to include a link to your website.


John (João) Silva
IT & eBiz Consultant
Orlando FL 32819
(321) 710-8572

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Try Dave:

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Tip him if you like the job he does, he lives and dies on tips. For every percentile point you give to him, he'll plant a tree to save the planet... we'll both get $5 when you join free! Have Dave setup a Budget for you, he's artificially intelligent... Gettin' advice from humans is so last century...

Mark Cuban, The Shark of SharkTank fame, and owner of the Dallas Mavericks Basketball Team is behind this! He remembers struggling with NSF Fees, how in his, "twenties the bank just took his money." Take advice from humans is, so passé ... this is banking for humans at it's best...

.AND./ .or.

I'm crushing it,  the money game. She's smarter, faster and way more fun than my bank. join me  free get $5, open eWallet we both get $5. For Money Management: Budget, Track & Save w/app...


Cleo, will let you know, if you're going to overdraft and spot you $100, 'till Payday, no credit check! We'll both get $5 when you join free! Setup an eWallet for auto savings, get $5. If there's a Direct Deposit setup and there's a $200 transaction get $50. Have Cleo setup a Budget for you, she's artificially intelligent...

Hi Charlie: No frills services "I worry about your money so you don't have to," Have Charlie setup a Budget for you, and track your monay for you, he's artificially intelligent...

No Fee Banking, for Humans: Join FREE! (100% FREE)... as my guest get $5...
They will let you know, if you're going to overdraft and spot you $100, in lieu of NSF 'till Payday, no credit check! We'll both get $5 when you join free! Setup an eWallet for auto savings, get $5. If there's a Direct Deposit setup and there's a $200 + transaction we both get $50.... Note: these are Ai - apps Artificially intelligent apps with machine capable learning...

.AND./ .or.

Chime Bank and/.or. Digit: Earn $5 for eac. friend you refer, I get $5 too... get you paycheck early Chime will front you $100 'till payday in lieu of NFS & $35 bank fees... got 10 friends b4 Tuesday get $500, for you and your friend. It'll help you save with high interest account, and invest in vests... just kiddin'... they even give you an installment loan at low interest rates... get $500 refer a friend or two...

Current Bank ( they'll give you a temp CC/DC number which you can use with Googlepay as a virtual card, while you await your physical card (7-10 days delivery) ).

VaroBank - Varo Money Builds A No-Fee, High Interest Paying Bank On New Technology. 
Checking/ Savings accounts get 20x times the normal interest rate, compounded monthly.!nfamous!nfluential,

AlbertBank I'm closing in on my financial goal with help from Ai geniuses  @abertapp.

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eMail Signature Links ( Five(5) Recommended, but I have so many
having been on the interwebs, since inception ):

Read on herein ... Get the book Where Wizards Never Sleep...

Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins Of The Internet 

Paperback – circa January 21, 1998

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Sponsor(s): Italia-Linda Elze is the Owner of Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.==> Check out Sqribble =>,  ==> Check out CashBlurbs ==>

#finance #internetmarketing  #affiliatemarketing  #sales
#salespromotions #seo #blogging #business #onlinebusiness
#advertise #advertiseonline #makemoneyonline #workfromhome

Italia-Linda Elze is the Owner of <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>. Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.

John Silva was the Owner of Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter. As stated João Silva is the proprietor of Check out Automated Traffic -> . Make money on AutoPilot, this site has made over $3,000 in the last 24 hours....Check out Automated Traffic -> Make money on AutoPilot, as mentioned this site has made over $3,400 in the last 24 hours.... Check out Automated Traffic -> sponsored by


My thanks in advance for your attention, consideration, energy, time and attention.

Italia-Linda Elze is the Owner of <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>. Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter. Check out Sqribble ->

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