
Sunday, March 8, 2020

Fwd: why my launch flopped


Not too long ago, I told you about how I "ruined" the launch of my first mastermind.

(If you're not familiar with a mastermind, it's essentially a group coaching program for business owners.)

Quick story recap:

I didn't know if I'd be able to get results for the people who joined.

I mean, I knew stuff. And I knew I'd been able to create great results for myself. And that people liked my online courses.

...But I didn't know if I could help people at the level I assumed I'd need to in a mastermind. I was scared.

So what did I do?

I undersold the crap out of that mastermind!

My goal was to get 20 people to join...

Yet I barely promoted it. (As in, I sent one email announcing it, and that was it. I didn't reach out to people who I knew would be a great fit. And I had a pretty sad sales page.)

I basically sabotaged my own launch.

Because deep down...I didn't WANT people to join. I didn't know if I could get them results. I was afraid that I wasn't good enough.

Luckily, I did have 9 *amazing* people join – despite my best sabotage efforts.

Which means I had to actually run that mastermind.

...And ultimately it forced me to face my fears of not being able to get people results, disappointing my members, and not being worthy enough.

Which means...I got a nice big, in-your-face reality check.

Turns out, my mastermind clients got amazing results that far exceeded my expectations. (I'm talking 6-figure course launches, high-paying books deals, crossing 7-figures, realigning with their true purpose, and more!)

Why am I telling you this story?

Because I have a hunch you might be doing the same thing: you're scared that you don't know enough to teach your knowledge to the world.

So you might've been ignoring my emails about The Knowledge Broker Blueprint, the course by Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi that teaches you how to create, launch, fill, and run your own masterminds, events, and groups.

But here's what I want you to get...

What you know is valuable.

And you are worthy enough to have a mastermind, event or coaching program where you can affect people in a bigger, deeper way.

So please, please, please – stop discounting what you know.

Because when you believe in yourself and what you know, the results you can have are limitless.

So, I just re-launched my mastermind in January...

And this time? We sold out TWO separate mastermind groups, for a total of 40 (FORTY!) new clients. That's more than a 400% increase over the first launch I did!

But here's the kicker...

I believe that I could have had those results in my first launch – if only I'd had the confidence to launch like I meant it.

Part of my journey towards gaining that confidence came from seeing how easy and fun it was to help my clients get amazing results.

(Seriously. Masterminds are like this magical thing where you get to geek out on stuff you already know and are passionate about – and your members absorb that knowledge in a much deeper way than they can in other settings.)

The other HUGE part of my re-launch success was The Knowledge Broker Blueprint (doors close tomorrow, btw).

This incredible course takes you through a proven system to extract your knowledge, package it up in a way that attracts in your ideal clients, launch it, fill it, and then run it.

With KBB, that worry of "I don't know how to do this" melts away because you're given the step-by-step process to do it all.

So if you've been thinking, "Yeah, KBB sounds really cool, but I don't think I can launch something like that myself," then I'm here to tell you – yes. you. can.

Using the material in KBB and running masterminds has been one of the most rewarding things I've done – on both a monetary level and a personal level.

I want you to have that same experience.

That's why I've been such a vocal supporter of The Knowledge Broker Blueprint.

Because I genuinely believe that this course can help you do this – and it can be so much easier than you ever thought!

Get the details about KBB + see all the exclusive bonuses you get from me when you join here!

Can't wait to cheer you on! <3


p.s. Doors to The Knowledge Broker Blueprint close tomorrow (Monday, March 9th)! So if you've been on the fence, it's time to make a choice. I can honestly say that the material in this course has transformed my business (and my confidence level!).

If you have any desire to make a great living from sharing your knowledge and passions – THIS is the course to help you do it.

p.p.s. In case you needed another reason to get excited about KBB – you're not just getting the course itself when you buy it. You're also getting my "The  Bonus Suite" with over $6,000 in bonuses as my gift to you when you enroll using my special link.

Click here to learn more about all of my bonuses!

From: Melyssa Griffin <>
Date: Sun, Mar 8, 2020, 11:32 AM
Subject: why my launch flopped
To: <>


Hey Joao,



The Nectar Collective, LLC 520 Broadway Suite 200 Santa Monica, California 90401 United States

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