
Monday, March 2, 2020

Fwd: This could be you next year :)

Hi, Uh oh, this episode just changed my dang LIFE.

When you're in the company of people who have had their own lives changed, it kind of rubs off on you, doesn't it? Inspired people inspire people, lead an inspirational life and that. Just. HAPPENED.

Today's episode of the Goal Digger Podcast features some of my favorite people on the planet: STUDENTS.

Okay, wow, they're way more than that, but they're extra special today because they're sharing how their "YES" to jumping into the program that changed my world AND taking me on as a mentor only a mere year ago has shifted their trajectory, cast some wild visions for their lives, and *thee* most wild thing ever, like a premonition… well, you'll hear all about it in the episode!

I could of course run around ringing my ice cream cart bell, but here are some powerful humans who have already had a scoop or three. Listen to them, why dontcha!?


What I want you to hear in this episode is this: YOURSELF. Because the KBB isn't just for the entrepreneurs or marketing gurus out there! Not even for a digital business. We've got people who love sewing and closet organization, nannying and horseback riding, surfing and accounting etc.!

And this is just a glimpse at the over 4000 different niches of students in the KBB - that's a wildly diverse group. It's The Wild Wild West!

The people in this episode… are ordinary.

I mean, of COURSE, they're absolutely inspirational, gifted and talented, but they are no different from you and me --- what has set them apart was their YES.

Yes to a big, adventurous life.

Jobs fill your pockets, adventure fill you soul...

Yes to getting unstuck, unsettled, and disruptive of the norm!

Yes to a fulfilling (and actually fun) career!

Yes to a business that leaves a positive mark in this world.

Yes to having *more time* for what you value, what you love most, and your own well-being and joy. The FREEDOM,  FREEDOM +,  FREEDOM Premium

Yes to trusting that they can extract their genius, extrapolate and do something amazing with it.

I have seen truly jaw-dropping things happen this year in the lives of my JKxKBB student and crew!

Like, I should probably start diffusing lavender ASAP just to calm down from how PUMPED it makes me. ;)

This isn't about making little Tony and Dean (or even Jenna) clones out there - it's about learning from the mentors, the masters to apply the depth of their mastery and knowledge to your OWN special purpose and circumstances.

Enjoy the interview (it could be YOU next time!)

João S  

Ps. Hearing about KBB or wondering what it is, why I'm talking about it, and how you can join and take advantage of my personal mentorship mastery? Thought so. This page here will walk you through all the things and share all you need to know about the program.

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