
Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Fwd: šŸŽ Last chance for free packing cubes!

Hey, just popping in here to remind you I'm giving away a set of packing cubes :)

As you might have gathered by now, I have a lot of weird obsessions. One very unexciting one is PACKING CUBES. I swear I'm a packing cube cult leader at this point. They are honestly the best piece of (affordable!) travel gear that most people don't know about, and I get a very sick thrill out of people being like "wow. these tiny cubes of fabric really did change the way I pack!!!"

... So I want to give you a set!

You see, about 6 months ago, I took on the rather expensive undertaking of buying some of the top rated packing cubes on the Internet, and have been rigorously testing them for the past half year. Now, I have released my findings! At long last - the packing cube showdown nobody asked for. You can watch it here, or read a written version here.

And in addition to my weekly postcard giveaway, I want to share the packing cube love with one of you, so just comment on the video with which set you would like to own, and I'll be drawing the name on Monday, so comment ASAP to not miss your chance.

Click here for my overly dramatic packing cube showdown!

My thanks in advance for your attention, consideration, energy, support, time, and trouble.

  Okay! Talk to you soon!



PS: Hi from Vancouver! You may be gettin' this late am so busy on account of the holidays and all. A lot has changed since last week's email - namely, I have gained 20 pounds because of Chinese New Year. This holiday for my family is bigger than Christmas, & Thanksgiving combined, and it's less a joyful family gathering than it is a freaking OLYMPICS of eating. Don't believe me? Here's an Instagram highlight of the shenanigans so far. I feel like you can watch me grow out a double chin from start to finish. I'm usually asked to stand up and then seat down, again  , as if that helps and eat some more!

Anyways, Vancouver is a beautiful city. I've kind of forgotten that while living abroad... but I'll be headed to MUCH colder pastures next week because I'll be in Ottawa, MontrƩal and QuƩbec for Carnaval celebrations! Follow me here for live updates... and see if I successfully keep all my fingers. I count 'em every time I shake hands (just kiddin'). It's a clown routine from my clowning days...

Lastly, if you've scrolled all the way to the bottom: I've made a video sharing my findings from testing the top s ix (60 rated packing cubes you can buy online, w/ my blessings... I'm also giving away at set of packing cubes (of your choice). Click here to watch and enter by commenting!

My thanks in advance for your attention, consideration, energy, support, time, and trouble.

  Okay! Talk to you soon,  


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Christina Guan <>
Date: Sat, Feb 1, 2020 at 1:18 PM
Subject: šŸŽ Last chance for free packing cubes!
To: JoĆ£o <>


Okay! Talk to you soon,

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