
Sunday, March 1, 2020

Fwd: It's time, Friend!  

RE: Will YOU be one of them? You're Running out of Time!? 
I've Restarted the Clock for You!?

I hope you are having a great Saturday night!
A super important email for you tonight..
If you haven't heard the news, Blogging +Biz  Blastoff 2.0 is starting tomorrow and enrollments close tonight at midnight. BUT WAIT, I've Restarted the Clock Just For You! 
RE: Will YOU be one of them? You're Running out of Time!?
  I've Restarted the Clock for You!?
There is an amazing group of students joining us.
But, there's just one BIG PROBLEM...
We're missing YOU!
Possibly you're just not sure if the course is worth it. In that case, I suggest you read THESE COMMENTS from previous students.
Or, maybe you're worried about the price. If that's your concern, did you know about OUR PAYMENT PLAN (scroll to the bottom)?
Are you wondering if there are other students having success following our system? Then you should see this video.
Or, maybe you're just on the fence for an unknown reason and you just need a little motivation.
If that's the case, then I would like to share something with you...
There is one undeniable characteristic that bonds all successful people:
They TAKE ACTION to make their dreams and goals happen.
Unsuccessful people are either content with their current situation or they THINK ABOUT taking action but never quite get around to doing it.
Many times, deep down inside, they know what they need to do, but for a variety of reasons, they choose to coast through life doing what they've always done.
We believe in YOU and know that YOU can be successful.
It's going to take some changes though and doing some things that are different from what you've done in the past.
If your dream is to become a successful blogger, we have the road map for you to make that happen.
Without a doubt, this course will dramatically shorten your learning curve to becoming a successful blogger and living the type of life you deserve.
We want YOU to be a big success, but you have to take one small step and join us.
The time is NOW to take action because after tonight at midnight we have to close things down.
Join over 5000 happy students who have already taken the original Blogging Blastoff course and are building the blogs and the lives of their dreams.
 RE: Will YOU be one of them? You're Running out of Time!?   
See you in the VIP Group!
JoAn (and  João (John) Silva  )
P.S. Did you have any questions about Blogging +Biz Blastoff 2.0? If so, just reply to this email and we'll get back to you asap.
RE: Will YOU be one of them? You're Running out of Time!?

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Heather & Pete Reese <>
Date: Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 9:05 PM
Subject: It's time, Joao!
To: Joao <>

Hi Joao!

~%Heather & Pete Reese 

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