
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

πŸš” IG Influencer comes up with a unique angle to steal $1.5M from his followers. πŸ€‘ Be the first to leverage this new Push Notification format: 3x your conversions. πŸ”₯ Amazon PPC case study: Rakin’ in $446k in 90 days.

February 18 , 2020 - Images not loading? No problem, just read in browser.

☝️ Enough, now let’s try to take this logo off from the laptop… Tired of FB case studies? Google Shopping campaigns nuggets to go from $66k to $430k. New push notification format you should be leveraging and an Amazon PPC case study: $446k in 90 days. How to not steal $1.5M being an influencer.

Will the UK Govt make social networks a better or worse place?
Depesh Mandalia recently brought up this UK's proposal, which seeks to offer more watchdogs an increased level of control over social networks.
Long story short, they want to give the Office of Communication (Ofcom) the necessary powers to control social media companies.
“Ofcom will aim to protect social media users by tackling harmful content and attempt to minimize its spread on social media.”
As fair as this might sound, it is causing a certain level of worry in the social media space. In Depesh Mandalia’s words, offering control to people that are disconnected from the social media space might cause unwanted consequences for businesses and users themselves.
Others are even more worried. According to Andrew Davis, if Ofcom decides to approach regulating on social media like they do with the traditional form, there will be major issues from the start.
Moreover, this move could spread to other countries.
Well, the official ink hasn’t yet been dropped on the papers, so let’s not worry about what could happen.
Stay tuned to see what's next.

From $66k to $430k with highly-optimized Shopping campaigns
For e-Commerce stores, Google Shopping is undoubtedly one of the best traffic sources along with Ads.
For those of you looking to leverage Shopping campaigns and make the most out of them, here are some great tips and strategies to get started with.
Although basic, these tips shared by Sandeep Kumar are the crux of all Google Shopping campaigns. Let’s quickly dive into them.
Optimizing Product Feeds. Always try to improve and optimize  your Product Titles and Descriptions to match the relevant search terms.
Segregation. Make sure to segregate your camps based on product value and margins. Use custom labels, categories, product types, item IDs for this segregation. This allows you to better utilize impression share, budgets, negative keywords, bids, and ROAS of the best products.
Promotion Feeds: Use promotion feed from the Google merchant account for offers to the right audience.
Identify top-performing products: Create separate campaigns for them with a dedicated budget and high-priority settings to acquire at least 60% search Impression share.
Use Product Ratings & Seller ratings: This helps your products stand out from those of your competitors. If your ads are showing up next to four or five competitors, these ratings help you gain some valuable social proof.
Custom Labels: Use custom labels for each product. They can be very helpful when it comes to campaign optimization and scaling.
Automated Rules: Use automated rules to avoid unnecessary product disapprovals.
Bidding strategy: Start your campaigns with Manual eCPC and, once you have a good amount of data, you can move to a CPA bidding strategy.
Negative keywords: Update your negative keywords list on a regular basis to avoid paying for irrelevant clicks.
Remarketing lists for search: Use RLSA campaigns for your most frequent, high-intent search terms. These are especially useful for high-ticket and longer sales cycle items.
Dynamic remarketing campaigns. Run DRC for abandoned cart sales.
Well, that’s quite a sizable list of action items to streamline your Shopping campaigns,minimize wastage of budgets and allow you to focus on achieving a better ROAS.

πŸ“² RichardPUSH (RichPush)  brings In-App push notifications, another new ad format for you to take advantage of!

'How di you get Dick out of Richard? "
Past! "You have to ask nicely."  It won't come to anyone as a surprise if you have already heard of RichPush's recent launch of the In-page push notification format. 
They are on fire right now!
The launch of In-Page push format saw over 3x increase in conversion and click-through rates. Make sure you test it out!
And to take things to another level, the RichPush team is taking another huge step forward. Welcome the new In-App Push notifications (beta) on RichPush which allows you to drive traffic from consumer apps.
Grab your invitation to test them here. Just gotta submit your email and will be invited to beta test this fresh and juicy new ad format!
What is In-App Push all about?
  • Ensured Brand Safety. As proved by world-famous companies advertising via apps, this channel of communication doesn’t hurt the brand’s image and works perfectly for brand awareness. All In-App ad campaigns pass serious moderation, thus, supporting much higher quality standards.
  • Apps Targeting by Category
  • Works best for CPI campaigns.
  • Boost in your engagement, CTR and conversions. The format captures the attention of real users involved in the app. They get only a few push notifications a day so they are not unwelcomed.
  • Ads Diversity secured by only one-time ads within campaigns. This, again, leads to a more positive user experience and advertiser’s image.

Rakin’ in $446k in 90 days with Amazon PPC
You can never have too many advertising mediums, right? 
So, why not have a look at how Hristo Arakliev leveraged Amazon to hit $446k in revenue in just 90 days? Let’s move straight to it, because it’s gonna be a long post…
+ Listing optimization
Start with high-quality images, and don’t just use product images. Include 3D pics of your product, one with the advantages of your product, images showing reviews of your product, images showing how to use your item, lifestyle images and anything else that’s relevant.
Listing SEO:
  • Easily readable title with 3-5 keywords.
  • Bullets with text length between 150 and 200 characters, including 2-3 high search volume, relevant keywords in each bullet point.
  • Description with multiple text separators and emojis in order to emphasise different advantages. Instead of just naming the advantages again in your bullet points, create a story that talks about your product.
  • Repeat keywords didn’t show any traffic bumps. Instead, try to add as many different keywords as possible.
+ PPC set up
Strategy 1: You need to dominate the search for your business name. Businesses are becoming important on Amazon as well. Customers turn to Amazon to look at specific companies, so make sure you’re in the top spot when they search for yours.
Same as Google. 
Strategy 2: Steal conversions from your competitors’ listings. Amazon allows you to bid on specific listings, rather than just keywords and search terms. This option is called Product ASIN Targeting.
This is how they proceed:
They look into their reports to find high-performing ASINs and target them manually, excluding the low performance ASINs.
Strategy 3: Retargeting customers off Amazon. Registered biz have the ability to retarget users with Sponsored Display Ads. You have probably seen these before. They are those Amazon retargeting ads you see when you browse other websites through Google or on Facebook.
Hristo Arakliev shared the creatives and copy used in these retargeting camps, although they’re similar to the ones we’ve seen for FB Ads retargeting camps: Testimonials videos, customers reviews, offers, etc. Well, the channel may vary, but the principles stay the same, uh?
This shows an overview of the post, but if you want to dive even deeper into this Amazon case study, head to the post.

  • GOOGLE: Google has decided to return funds advertisers for campaigns running on its platform that ran on websites with bad visitors.
  • YOUTUBE: Following in the footsteps of Reddit and Twitch, YouTube announces a feature called Clap, which allows fans to donate to their favourite content creators.
  • FACEBOOK: Coronavirus gains more attention as it forces Facebook to cancel its Global Marketing Summit 2020 amidst global fears.
  • GOOGLE: Google is testing more granular tracking options for website conversion actions through customer journeys.
  • FACEBOOK: Be careful. Using a Copyright Page violation excuse, some bad actors are leveraging Facebook logos and fake details to get access to the acess details.

What is in the middle of CHINA?
You can find the solution by clicking here.



Cool tech, (funny) business, lifestyle and all the other things marketers like to chat about while sipping cocktails by the pool.
Is Influencer marketing still working in 2020?
What kind of question is that? Of course it does!
For example, this IG and YouTube influencer recently made $1.5M uisng the same medium.
What was her strategy? A very simple one. Recruiting people on Instagram and asking them to hand over emptied cc, and then using them to add amounts of stolen moolah.
The users who handed out empty cards were promised $5k for letting them use their account for an unspecified short period of time.
It raised brows in July 2018, when the US Postal Service discovered that nearly 53 blank money orders had been stolen from the Berlin, New Jersey post office.
30 of them were used to deposit funds in various accounts, for small amounts, with missing clerk IDs, date, zip code, and amounts printed in the wrong fonts.
Well, it’s a tricky topic to write about as the whole scheme involved a lot of goo-roo style Instagram posts. But what the hell, Influencer marketing clearly works very well... sometimes in very mysterious ways.
Still curious about all the details involved? Check out the piece covered by Qz here.

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☝️ Enough, now let’s try to take this logo off from the laptop… Tired of FB case studies? Google Shopping campaigns nuggets to go from $66k to $430k. New push notification format you should be leveraging and an Amazon PPC case study: $446k in 90 days. How to not steal $1.5M being an influencer. 

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Date: Tue, Feb 18, 2020, 7:01 AM
Subject: πŸš” IG Influencer comes up with a unique angle to steal $1.5M from his followers. πŸ€‘ Be the first to leverage this new Push Notification format: 3x your conversions. πŸ”₯ Amazon PPC case study: Rakin’ in $446k in 90 days.
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