
Sunday, November 3, 2019

Fwd: [OM2C] Important Reminder!

We've all heard Albert Einstein's famous line: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."  


I just wanted to touch bases with you today.

Are you taking action?

Or are you waiting for something to happen?

Money isn't going to fall into your lap.

(contrary to popular belief

But it's important for me to tell you upfront that this is NOT for everyone.

Especially if any of the following sounds familiar or sounds like you:

  1. You don't want to work and expect money to magically fly out of your computer ( into your open pocket(!) )
  2. You want to keep things exactly as they are      
  3. You're not willing to try something new - and be consistent with it - in order to create different results 
    • ( After all we've all heard Albert Einstein's famous line: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."  Which he didn't say...)

If ANY of those statements describe you, then the Unstoppable Success of WA is not for you.

Your website is not going to start generating a profit if you aren't working on it.

People often ask me how long does it take to make money on the internet. 

I can never really give a 100% guaranteed answer.

It just depends on a lot of things.

I generally say 3-6 months for your first sales to start rolling in, maybe...

something it takes two years for things to finally fall into place and 

things start picking up.

Then about a year or so to see some reliable income.

That's what happened to me!

So how did I do it?

I did something productive every day.

Even if it was just 20 minutes writing an article or posting on IG/ affiliate ads.

Good daily habits create incredible results, that's being consistent over time.

'Waiting' for results is going to get you nowhere fast.

You have to go out there and grab them!

Want some inspiration? Go to Wealthy Affiliate and type in "first sale" into the search bar

Real people just like you are stacking up their first online sales.



P.S. I'm going to send an email in a few days showing some "first sales" that I found as PROOF that Wealthy Affiliate Works

P.P.S. How long do you think it'll take you to make your first sale? Come on! Just take a guess!

Ballpark it!

One More Cup of Coffee       

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: One More Cup of Coffee <>
Date: Sat, Nov 2, 2019 at 12:06 AM
Subject: [OM2C] Important Reminder!
To: <>


3848 McHenry Ave Suite 135 #196
Modesto CA 95356

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