
Tuesday, October 1, 2019

RE: The perfect DIY Pinterest course [coupon code]

If you're a blogger or a business owner and haven't used Pinterest yet, it's time to get on with it already!
Pinterest is still the #1 traffic source to my website and has been since 2015. 👊
As a Pinterest marketing expert, I want to help you start getting more traffic to your website!
From now until Wednesday night, I'm offering my signature course Pinterest Presence for $50 off the normal price of $197.
This DIY, go-at-your-own-pace course, is perfect for someone who has a blog or shop and wants to:
  • Use Pinterest but has no idea what to do or where to start
  • Drive traffic back to their website
  • Increase sales or start making money if you haven't quite made money yet or want to make more money
  • Develop a marketing strategy
  • Learn how to use Pinterest without feeling overwhelmed
Pinterest was the fastest way for me to get traffic back to my site and start making money. Pinterest can also be the way that YOU drive traffic back to your site as well.
To help answer this question and as a gift for you, I'm also sharing this FREE Pinterest guide to help you understand all the amazing ways Pinterest can help you make money.
I rarely discount this course (this is the 1st time this year!) so this is a GREAT savings for all my budget-friendly readers.
The price is now $147 at checkout when you pay in full! 💃
Enter coupon code SAVE$50 at checkout.
Wondering how Pinterest can really help grow your blog?
Inside the course, I'll help you:
  • Learn how to use Canva to make pins
  • Create a pinning strategy
  • Learn how to use Tailwind and schedule pins, saving you time each week
  • Teach you how to grow your account
  • Learn how to set up Pinterest for your website
  • Show you how to use SEO to really make an impression in the search results
These are many of the ways that I personally earn money as well, so these are all things I have done to have a six-figure a year blog the past few years.
If the six-figure income sounds unrealistic, I understand that too. It took me 4 months to make my first $60 as a new blogger and I went on to make around $13,000 in my first year blogging.
For what it's worth, I made just under $100,000 in my second year as a blogger, with 90% of my traffic coming from Pinterest. So yeah, Pinterest is my love! 💙

P.S. This offer ends on Wednesday night at 11:55pm CST.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Kristin Larsen <>
Date: Mon, Sep 30, 2019, 2:15 PM
Subject: The perfect DIY Pinterest course [coupon code]
To: João <>
Believe In A Budget                                                                                  
- Kristin
photoKristin Larsen 
  Ready to start a blog? Here are some tips to help you get started! 
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photo Kristin Larsen

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