
Saturday, September 21, 2019

RE: FAQ...Before We Say Good-bye! 🙈

RE: You will find everything you need to know about this money-making Affiliate Blogging + Biz Machine program, 
the quality of it, the results it has generated AND the level of service you should expect from us by clicking here

Hey,  clicking here

We thoroughly enjoyed presenting the webinar to you and teaching you all about our methods on how to strategically build a money-making Affiliate Blogging + Biz Machine. ((This is my favorite part))

We enjoyed sending you emails with content and hope that you have enjoyed it as well, however, my emails are now coming to an end.

On 09/23/2019 the discount for the Blogging + Biz Fast Lane will expire, which means you will have to pay the full price if you want to join.

The Blogging + Biz Fast Lane really is a step-by-step success program to help you build a successful blog.

As we said in the webinar...

You basically have two options:

1) Go at it alone and spend the next 4-5 years of your life spinning your wheels and wasting money trying to figure out what works and what doesn't. (We did this for 2 years and it wasn't any fun! 😭)


2) Invest in yourself and choose to work with us, gaining access to our proven system AND community to guide you on your blogging journey.

Again, on 09/23/2019 the special discount will expire and because we like to stay true to our word, there will be no exceptions.


I'm sure you have some burning questions about joining that you would like an answer to...

I have done my best to provide answers to everyone on the webinar as well as with these emails I have been sending you over the past few days.

- BUT -

In an effort to really serve you and enable you to make a clear decision, I have put together a video that covers EVERYTHING you need to know about joining the Blogging Fast Lane Accelerator program.

I understand that joining a program like this might be a first for you and that's totally fine - you will find answers to all the questions and concerns you have here.

I also understand that you may have joined programs like this in the past and have not been satisfied with the quality of content.

You will find everything you need to know about this program, the quality of it, the results it has generated AND the level of service you should expect from us by clicking here.

For some people, it's a no brainer... And they join the second they see the button pop up on the webinar...

But I understand that everybody has different situations and I appreciate that fully.

If you have a partner, wife or family and they have questions or concerns about joining then yep we've covered that in the video too!

You can find the answers to all the questions you have by clicking the link below:👇

--------- View The FAQ & Get Your Questions Answered ---------

This is it Friend, we hope to see you in the Fast Lane!

 João & JoAn

PS: Please take a moment right now to mark this date and time in your calendar because I always get emails from unhappy people when they miss the date and say they didn't get enough warning...

On 09/23/2019 the special discount will expire.

If you want to join The Blogging Fast Lane Accelerator program and create your very own Affiliate Machine that will give you TIME freedom, this is your chance.

Click Here to Register For the Blogging + Biz Fast Lane Before Discount Expires

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Anna Faustino <>
Date: Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 10:08 AM
Subject: FAQ...Before We Say Good-bye! 🙈
To: João <>

Anna Faustino
Co-Founder & Editorial Director at

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