
Friday, September 20, 2019

Fwd: What will you miss out on this winter?


Money is a funny thing.

For some folks, every two weeks, you get a paycheck. And then you have to pay yourself, then the bills and hopefully you have a bit left over to spend on yourself, after you pay yourself. 

Then it's gone. 

But guess what? The cool thing is two weeks later, you get another paycheck! And suddenly, the money is replenished! 

Every two weeks, your money replenishes. Over and over.

But do you know what doesn't replenish? 

Your time.

So while you are earning that paycheck that replenishes itself, your time is slipping away. You could be doing something more enjoyable. You could be somewhere else,
doing something else. 

Your time won't replenish. If you missed your daughter's field trip, graduation or birthday because you had to work, you can't get that back.

If you're stressed at work, running in circles doing a job you hate, in a toxic environment, you won't get that time back. 

Every moment you spend at a job you don't enjoy is a piece of your life that you'll never see again. 

Money replenishes itself every two weeks, but your time doesn't. 

So what I'm asking is that you take something that replenishes itself every two weeks and put it towards something that will change the way you spend your time.

Stop, cease, desist trading time or money...

Work when you want to, and then put the work aside when you have something more important to do. Like, spend more time with family and friends...

Travel more. 

Heck, travel LOTS more. Because it's free and you can work from the road.

Do something you're passionate about. Something that thrills you!

Enroll with Selling Luxury Travel™ now and stop losing out on your time.

My thanks in advance for your time, trouble, attention and consideration.

To your abundant success,


PS. Did you get a chance to view the replay of the last web class, yet? You're missing out if you haven't! You can find it here.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Dean Horvath <>
Date: Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 2:33 PM
Subject: What will you miss out on this winter?
To: João <>

 -- Dean Horvath
Mason Horvath Travel  

Selling Luxury Travel™ , 999 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC V6C3E2, Canada
Don't want future emails? 

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