
Thursday, September 19, 2019

RE: Our Ethos (and why we care about YOU).


  João, here from!  I hope you are enjoying your experience within WA thus far and realizing the many benefits of being part of the community!

We absolutely value you and thank you for putting your trust in us.

It is our goal in the coming days to continue to help you build trust in the community at Wealthy Affiliate and truly show you that we are "different" ( in a good way ). We are going to pull out all the stops for you, including offering you our personal help and coaching if you need a hand.

Today I want to discuss a little bit more about who we are, how we got started, and ultimately how we have evolved into the world's leading platform for affiliate marketers and Internet entrepreneurs.

It certainly didn't happen overnight. And it surely didn't happen without trial and error.

The "Ethos" at Wealthy Affilliate

Wealthy Affiliate was built off the core of the idea of "helping people succeed online" way back in soft launch 2000 (launched circa 2005). Kyle and I had independently become successful as full-time affiliate marketers, which at the time was something that we felt we had mastered and we were in a position to teach others.

So we started Wealthy Affiliate on a beautiful autumn day circa September of 2000 and Launched in 2005. We had no idea what would come of it, but we knew we could help people become successful within the online world. ( Actually for me the history goes back in further with a ( ) Launched circa 1994 before we knew what we were doing w/ Harvard Prof. Dr. Jeff Lant and their "Wealthy Affiliate" program...

[{ TOP SECRETS REVEALED }]The Wealthy Affiliate: How Anyone (Including You) Can Earn Consistent Online Income, while Learning, Earning & Building Empires Online...

({ }) over the last 25 years!   )

We started as a keyword list site where we would give people a list of specific "niche" keywords in a brand new industry every month along with some ads they could run in Google.  That was it! We charged people $29.99 per month or $359.88 per year to join our service.

People absolutely loved our service, and our members were thriving over the competition.

But then the requests for new features and platforms at Wealthy Affiliate started rolling in.   We didn't have a way for people to communicate. People could not build websites with efficiency. People couldn't do proper research on their own. People wanted personal mentoring and support. People wanted a way to host their sites and buy domains. People wanted more training. People wanted...


So that is what we did. We went to work over the past 14 years and started building out the platform at Wealthy Affiliate based on the needs and wants of our students and customers.

To this very day, we continue to build new and innovate platforms into the service at Wealthy Affiliate. In fact, we invest millions into the development of WA every year and we have a team of over 25 full time programmers working around the clock to keep our service way ahead of the industry.

We now offer $1,000's of value within our premium membership, yet one thing has NOT changed during this time.  The price of our Premium membership ( Yes, it is still the same as it was back in 2005! ).

We created the most sophisticated website platform in the industry and started offered our state of the art hosting platform. This has evolved into the most respected platform for building, managing and scaling websites in the industry.

We created a content management platform that allows people to efficiently create content, add images, and publish it directly to their websites.  This includes a duplicate content checker, SEO analysis, content templates and access to over 1 million images for your websites.

We introduced weekly, live classes and 100's of training modules. We created a user contributed platform so fellow experts in the industry could share their training (and you can even create your own and earn directly through WA).  Currently we have over 400 hours of live classes accessible to premium members.

We introduced a keyword and research platform, that allows our member to outsmart the competition and do so with efficiency.  We lead the industry in tools that help you discover keywords, research and rank your websites, find out where you are ranked, and spy on your competition.

We built platforms for engagement, feedback, and security for websites.  We created ways for our members to get instant help, and to get help from industry experts (hint: they all hang out at Wealthy Affiliate).

We didn't sit still. And we still are not sitting still.  Every day we are rolling out  updates to the platform at Wealthy Affiliate.  I can assure you that the year ahead is going to be the busiest and most exciting one yet at WA.

Our ethos is HELPING you, offering a better service, and continue to push ahead in this industry much faster than any competitor or educational platform out there.

And one thing that we are truly proud of is the overall tone and sheer number of amazing folks within the community at Wealthy Affiliate. We are truly are a pay-it-forward community.

Because of this, I want to clarify a few of the ways that you are going to be able to get help from within Wealthy Affiliate. It is important to understand this, in particular in the early stages of your business as there can be small hurdles to overcome along the way. WE CAN HELP!

Searching for Help

Search through the 100,000's of expert discussions and training modules available to you as a Starter member. At the top of every page there is a "search bar" and you can use that (enter a search term) and find everything from training videos, live classes (premium) member profiles, discussions and resources to users within the system.

Asking for Help

As a Starter member you have access to Premium LIVE help within the first 7 days at WA. This means you can get help whenever you need it, 24/7/365 from 10,000's of fellow members inside of WA...including MANY seasoned experts that are doing this full time!

Live chat is a good way to get help instantly, or as you are going through the training there is a comments" section at the bottom of every lesson where you can ask any questions that you may have. Please do not be afraid to ask for help!

Networking with Others

WA is the LARGEST affiliate marketing, socialmedia  marketing & online business community in the world boasting over 1.9 + MILLION aspiring and very successful Internet !ntrepreneurs  & entrepreneurs. It is a platform that encourages engaging with new people, making connections, networking and creating new relationships & friendships, around the world.

As you immerse yourself in the community and communicate with others, you are going to build an awesome support group that you will be able to work with to further your abundant success online.

Asking Kyle & Carson

Yes, we are REAL. Yes, we are AVAILABLE. Yes, we are committed 100% to you! If you ever need help from us personally, you can contact us via our profiles (Username: Kyle, Username: Carson) or you can ask a question within the community or within Live Chat and we are very likely to see it and offer you our help. We are very available and I want you to feel comfortable reaching out to use if you ever need anything.:)
Within WA you have access to an all encompassing environment that you can grow with as your business grows and your knowledge grows.

You can work with fellow aspiring entrepreneurs, you can work with intermediate marketers that are getting the ball rolling, and you can get help directly from industry experts that are running 6 and 7 figure businesses online.

We pride ourselves on the fact that we are the most advanced affiliate marketing community in the world, but also the most helpful. I know this is going to become more than apparent as you start to immerse yourself at WA. You truly have all the help you need at your fingertips.

There are some definite perks to becoming Premium as well, which you can decide on as you move forward.  As a Premium member you will gain the "key to the community" and the most efficient path to creating a full-time internet business.

I really do hope you are enjoying your experience within the community thus far friend and if you ever need a hand or feeling "stuck", make sure you ASK.

The only silly question is the one that goes unasked and we really mean this!:)


João  & JoAn 
Wealthy Affiliates

PS. In case you have forgotten, here is how my access to my Wealthy Affiliate account.


 Login page

Follow us on Instagram (João  & Joan)
Kyle Carson
Follow us on Instagram (Kyle  & Carson) 

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Hosting Websites Support Training Domains

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Carson @ Wealthy Affiliate <>
Date: Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 9:01 AM
Subject: Our ethos (and why we care about YOU).
To: Joao Unlisted <>

Co-founder of Wealthy Affiliate
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