
Friday, September 13, 2019

RE: [MILLENNIAL $ MONEY] Why I Might Retire From Blogging & More...


I hope you're having a nice Friday (and enjoying your weekend). I've taken the past month off to rest after an insane book tour (72 events, 33 cities, 80 days!). It was incredible meeting so many of you in person. I'm just now starting to understand what it all meant. I'm just now coming putting the pieces together.
So many people asked me why I was undertaking such a daunting tour, or even a book tour at all. Even my publisher wondered why I was doing it. There was a simple answer: I wanted to meet you.
The goal was also simple. How could I visit the most cities in three months? I was exceptionally ambitious from the start when I created a Google Doc and started tracking the number of miles and hours to drive between cities - Calgary to Denver, the most unrealistic drive - I'd given us just 36 hours to drive 1,087 miles . according to Google a 17 hr 40 min drive.
However, as we learned pretty quickly on the road, Google's time was always optimistic, often taking us at least 20% more time because we were driving an almost 40 year camper.
I wanted to use RoadTripper, a great road trip planning website but it wouldn't let me add so many stops in such a short amount of time. You won't make it. You're crazy.
But to be honest, I was planning this as a farewell tour. The goal was to meet everyone in person and then retire from blogging in July 2019, this month. It's on my calendar for June 10 - "retire from blogging". No joke.
Between 2015 when I started Millennial Money and 2019 I've done over 1,000 media and podcast interviews, written over 500,000 words about money including my first book Financial Freedom, and recorded over 300 podcast episodes of my own. That's a lot of writing and talking!! You see, I'm only happy when I'm growing and blogging started to feel like a grind.
But something happened on tour that I didn't expect....
I live in a world of numbers - from website visitors, to SEO rankings, to stock performance, and tracking my net-worth daily. I've always loved numbers. But the biggest revelation I had on the tour was that behind every click, email subscriber, and website visitor is a person with story, and a family, and dreams, and a relationship with money. Insanely beautiful people with mind blowing stories.
I had the opportunity to meet almost 10,000 people on the book tour, face to face, almost every day, multiple times a day. It was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life.

I was also reminded in my heart why I started Millennial Money in the first place. It wasn't about me, it was about you. Who cares if it's a grind, I never expected it to be easy. My goal has always been to help as many people as I could be less stressed about money. Last December a reporter asked me what my #1 goal was for 2019, likely expecting me to say something about my investments or Millennial Money, but my only answer: Change lives.
No matter where you are in your own financial journey I want to let you know that the freedom and peace you seek you already have. You don't need millions of dollars or be financially independent to live a rich life. You already have it. It's in you. You likely just a little time and space to feel it. Maybe what you need is more time, not more money.
Time will always be so much more valuable than money. While I did in fact have to cancel the tour 10 days early because I was so exhausted, I'm still so thankful for the experience. I want to thank you for giving me one of the greatest joys of my life. And thank you for sharing your stories and your lives with me. I'm so grateful.

But I'm not done yet.....
So many of you asked me why I'd stopped blogging and podcasting.... I felt the love. You asked for more. So instead of retiring from blogging, I'm doubling down on the the mission to grow Millennial Money and reach as many people as I can.... but I need your help.
While I have some new posts and podcasts in the works, I wanted to ask you...since you're my crew: What should I write about? Who should I invite on the podcast? What else do you want to see on Millennial Money? Let me know here!


Many of you know Vicki Robin's book Your Money or Your Life changed my life back in 2010. Over the past few years Vicki and I have become close friends so when she asked me to co-host her last in-person retreat ever at Hollyhock in Canada I was honored. Hollyhock is in British Columbia and one of the most beautiful places on earth. Vicki just celebrated her 75th birthday and she won't be doing another retreat like this. This is a really special event. I know I'm going to learn a lot too!
This is a very small retreat limited to 25 people where you'll have the opportunity to work one on one with both of us, as well as with the group to take your money life to the next level. There will also be incredible food and outdoor activities if you want to participate. Whether you're just starting on your Financial Freedom journey or well on your way this retreat is going to be something special. This is a one time only event - we won't be holding one again.
Vicki is an incredible teacher, so if you're feeling stuck in your life or your business or just want to experience a truly transformative event this is for you. There are only a few spaces left so I wanted to offer them to you before announcing this publicly. There are many lodging options available - you can even camp! There are also a few scholarships still available.

New Podcast Episode & Post: How To Retire Early & Travel Forever (w/ Video!)

In this episode of the Financial Freedom Podcast I chat with my good friends Kristy and Bryce about their new book Quit Like A Millionaire and how they are able to travel the world full-time for less money than living at home.
I'm pumped to be picking up the Financial Freedom podcast recording. I've had almost 500,000 downloads in the past 6 months and have so many amazing guests coming up.

Hundreds of you have taken my friend Bobby's Facebook Side Hustle course and have used it to start a side hustle. If you're interested in starting a profitable side hustle that you can do from home and make $1,000 - $2,000 or more per month you should check it out here. You can also read my full review of the course (and an interview I did with Bobby about it here.) Use the code SUMMER for $50 off. The course only opens twice a year so don't wait if you want to check it out. It's legit.

We'll that's it for now. I wanted to let you know I'm here and you'll be hearing a lot more from me in the coming months. I hope you have a nice weekend with your friends and families doing fun stuff.

Much love,

P.S. Stay tuned for a special announcement coming in the next few weeks.....seriously, you don't want to miss this one. It's the biggest thing I've ever done.
P.P.S. If you've read Financial Freedom and haven't let an Amazon review yet, I'd be so grateful for your review here (they help the book reach more people! Thx.)

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From: <>
Date: Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 4:57 PM
Subject: [MILLENNIAL MONEY] Why I Might Retire From Blogging & More...
To: Jon-jon <>

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