
Sunday, July 14, 2019

Fwd: What Should You Do Immediately After You Start a New Blog?

Hey hon!

I hope you've been having a good week, because it's been such a busy week here at the HQ (hahaha)...

I've been spending a ton of time updating my paid courses to make sure they contain the very best information for you guys.

Since I'm taking a break now, I thought I would send y'all a quick email.

Do you know what's one thing that TRIPS new bloggers up?

They don't know what to do after they've bought hosting and a new domain name.

If you haven't done that yet, please sign up for this webinar and get that done properly first, because this email will build upon that!

Well, duh, you've to publish content – but is there anything else that has to be done?

Here are 3 things you have to do...

1. Sitemap

Set up a Google sitemap and tell Google about it, so that it is easier for Google to crawl your website and subsequently rank your blog posts on Google.

The easiest way to create a sitemap is to download the free Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin. Sitemaps created with Yoast SEO would be

2. Set up Google Analytics For Your Website

Google Analytics is useful as you can track the number of pageviews and visitors for your blog, see how people are finding your website, track real-time visitors and much more!

3. Favicon

One of my biggest pet peeves is seeing the WordPress default favicon or the WordPress theme's default favicon popping up.

I really hate it when I see a blogger put in so much effort but miss out on this one small detail that shouts to his/her audience that his blog isn't as professional as it looks.

Before this email gets too long...

1) If you have already started your blog, have you done the 3 steps above?

2) Haven't started your blog yet? Sign up for my "How to Start a Profitable Blog The Right Way" webinar if you have not started your blog and want to start your blog + biz right.

3) In my course Kickstart Your Blog, we cover all the steps you've to take to kickstart a successful blog.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Raelyn Tan <>
Date: Sat, Jul 6, 2019 at 11:29 AM
Subject: What Should You Do Immediately After You Start a New Blog?
To: jon <>

It's Raelyn here.    

xx Raelyn

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